Resources for teaching with the archive Featured Image

Resources for teaching with the archive

How do you help students understand the relevance of historical primary sources to the ongoing opioid crisis, and to their own experiences? We're developing resources to help integrate the archive into the classroom.

OIDA Curriculum Library
Resources for data-mining the archive Featured Image

Resources for data-mining the archive

When there are millions of documents, searching and browsing a digital library isn't always sufficient to find what you need. We're providing ways to access the raw data behind the archive in order to support use of computational methods and data mining.

OIDA Toolbox
Resources for exploring the archive Featured Image

Resources for exploring the archive

When there are millions of documents, how do you know where to start? Our first resource for exploration is a collection of illustrations, diagrams, and other images from the archive that shine the clearest light on how the opioid crisis developed. Coming soon!

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What is the Opioid Industry Documents Archive? Featured Image

What is the Opioid Industry Documents Archive?

The Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA), a collaborative undertaking between the University of California, San Francisco and Johns Hopkins University, serves as a groundbreaking digital archive of documents from the opioid industry that advances understanding of the root causes of the opioid epidemic and helps address corporate behavior that is harmful to the public. The resources above complement OIDA by providing additional ways of accessing, exploring, and using this invaluable collection of documents.

Visit the Archive