9 result(s) found.

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File Formats of OIDA Documents

OIDA receives and locates documents from a variety of sources for inclusion in the archive. Documents have been redacted for certain personally identifying information (PII) and protected health information (PHI)—mostly before OIDA received them, though in a few cases the OIDA team arranged for redaction before making the documents public. For more information, see the […]

OIDA Events

To spread the word about the Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA) and how it can be used, the OIDA team hosts webinars, symposiums and other opportunities for the community to gather and learn. OIDA is a digital archive co-created by the University of California, San Francisco and Johns Hopkins University containing millions of documents from the opioid industry […]

The Opioid Industry Documents Archive: A National Symposium

The Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA) is a digital archive co-created by the University of California, San Francisco and Johns Hopkins University containing millions of documents from the opioid industry that shed light on the root causes of the opioid crisis. This unique virtual symposium offers a series of complementary panels that will demonstrate OIDA’s […]

OIDA Curriculum Library

The Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA) Curriculum Library provides teaching materials that introduce students at the undergraduate and graduate level to the role of corporate tactics in the opioid crisis as demonstrated by documents found in OIDA, a digital archive co-created by the University of California, San Francisco and Johns Hopkins University containing millions of documents from […]

Resources for visualizing the archive

The Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA) is rich with illustrations, diagrams, and other images that provide insight into corporate practices that shaped the opioid crisis. We’re creating access points to help users browse images found in the documents, build visualizations, and explore connections among the documents.

OIDA Toolbox

Welcome to the Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA) Toolbox! This page is designed to help you access the raw data behind OIDA, a digital archive co-created by the University of California, San Francisco and Johns Hopkins University containing millions of documents from the opioid industry that shed light on the root causes of the opioid crisis. By “raw data” […]

Getting Started with OIDA and SciServer

You will need to follow these steps in order to be able to access OIDA data on SciServer. First, set up an account on SciServer and request access to OIDA data: Next, create a compute container for working with OIDA data: Once you are in the running container, the next step is to get the […]