The Opioid Industry Documents Archive (OIDA) is rich with illustrations, diagrams, and other images that provide insight into corporate practices that shaped the opioid crisis. We’re creating access points to help users browse images found in the documents, build visualizations, and explore connections among the documents.

OIDA Image Collection
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and sometimes it’s illustrations, diagrams, and other images from the documents that shine the clearest light on how the opioid crisis developed. We are developing a gallery of images, all connected back to their source document, to help you discover documents you may have never seen before.
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OIDA Toolbox
Ready to use your favorite digital tool to explore the documents? Visit the OIDA Toolbox to find out how to get to the raw data for use with your tool.
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Opioid Crisis Timeline
Through OIDA documents, we can see the opioid crisis unfold. The timeline introduces important pivot points in the epidemic by guiding readers to primary source documents, relevant scholarship, and contemporaneous journalistic accounts about the crisis.
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